09:30 - 10:30 AM #Room 206

Registration & Breakfast

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020.How

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020.How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020

10:30 - 12:30 PM #Room 206

Speech: Marketing Matters!

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing. We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly.

12:30 - 02:00 pm #Room 207

Lunch Break

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event.We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event

2:00 - 05:00 pm #Room 206

Speech: Cultures of Creativity

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly.We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly

09:30 - 10:30 AM #Room 208

Registration & Breakfast

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020.How

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020.How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020

10:30 - 12:30 PM #Room 206

Speech: Marketing Matters!

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing. We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly.

12:30 - 02:00 pm #Room 207

Lunch Break

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event.We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event

2:00 - 05:00 pm #Room 206

Speech: Cultures of Creativity

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly.We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly

09:30 - 10:30 AM #Room 208

Registration & Breakfast

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020.How

How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020.How you transform your business as technology, consumer, habits industry dynamics change? Find out from those in 2020

10:30 - 12:30 PM #Room 206

Speech: Marketing Matters!

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the

We have dedicated tracks for every industry Whether you want to hire tech’s top talent meet with the policymakers influencing. We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly.

12:30 - 02:00 pm #Room 207

Lunch Break

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason

We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event.We bring over 2,600 journalists from the world’s leading publications to Web Summit. They’re part of the reason why the event

2:00 - 05:00 pm #Room 206

Speech: Cultures of Creativity

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global

We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly.We can also work with you on bespoke content packages that will tell your story on a global scale. people who dictate how quickly

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